Will Hcg Increase Testosterone When Used With Testosterone
hCG and Low Testosterone
Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to go back to where I grew up: Puerto Rico. My younger brother got married in a magnificent place between the mountains and the beach. While I was there, I had so many memories, one of which was: how good I felt when I used to live there. I used to travel around the island during the day to explore the different beaches, mountain trails, rivers and rainforests, among other things. At night, had the energy to be able to go partying with friends and dancing with my then girlfriend (now wife), and then wake up early in the morning the following day, ready for work without feeling exhausted. Why? I worked out regularly, maintained myself healthy and my testosterone levels were at their highest peak.
Many men in their early mid-life covet to feel that way. They struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle, struggle to keep themselves awake during the day and have no energy to spend time with their loved ones. They need testosterone, and most of the time… they don't even know it.
What is hCG?
Testosterone products help boost the levels in the human body but have several side effects which include testicular atrophy (testicles get smaller) and infertility. One of the ways to increase testosterone while avoiding these side effects is by using hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). Therefore, today I will take some time to help you understand how it can help boost testosterone.
In order to understand how hCG works, we need to understand how the body naturally produces testosterone.
Everything starts out in the brain. The hypothalamus produces a hormone called Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) which stimulates another gland called the pituitary to produce folliculin-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). LH is the hormone and the signal that stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone. If your body is low on testosterone, the testicles send a signal to the pituitary asking for LH in order to produce testosterone.
How does hCG work?
In men, hCG acts as an analog of LH, therefore stimulating the testicles to produce more testosterone. LH also stimulates production of sperm within the seminiferous tubules, which are structures inside the testicles, and therefore maintains fertility in men. HCG comes in injectable form and is usually administered 2 to 3 times a week.
Previous studies have demonstrated that hCG increased testosterone levels compared to placebo. In another study, men taking testosterone along with hCG were able to maintain adequate sperm production and testicle volume.
Who will benefit from hCG?
Given it helps to maintain fertility, hCG is a good option for men with low testosterone wanting to preserve their fertility. Moreover, men who are concerned about the size of their testicles while being on testosterone replacement therapy, benefit from taking hCG as it may prevent testicular atrophy.
Are there any side effects?
As with other forms of testosterone therapy, side effects include:
Gynecomastia (growth of male breasts)
Pain, swelling at the injection site
Allergic reactions (skin rashes)
Is it safe?
HCG is an FDA-approved medication that has been used to treat both men and women for decades. In men, it serves as alternative to testosterone therapy to help boost testosterone levels while maintaining fertility. On certain occasions, your doctor can prescribe it in conjunction with testosterone products.
This article was authored by Dr. Jonathan Clavell. Dr. Clavell is a urologist who specializes in men's health including erectile dysfunction, low testosterone, Peyronie's Disease and BPH.
It doesn't matter what trends are popular today, facial hair will always represent that masculine persona that guys want and women adore.
Being able to properly groom your beard is easier said than done, and growing that rugged look takes some work for just about every guy.
Even though there might not be a single trick to develop that stunning facial hair that drives ladies crazy, there are simple steps to increase testosterone and beard growth regardless if you want that full beard or sexy goatee.
Testosterone and Beard Growth
It is often said that genetics has the last word when it comes to beard growth. That's why some men develop a luxurious, thick beard, while others struggle with a patchy beard or no beard at all.
The truth is that the hormones responsible for beard growth are testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
While testosterone is responsible for hair follicles priming, DHT promotes linear facial hair growth.
Simple logic implies that men with higher levels of testosterone and DHT can see significantly more facial hair growth than men with lower levels of these hormones.
The existence of testosterone and DHT does not mean that you will automatically be able to grow a thick beard.
If your hair follicles are more sensitive to these hormones, your beard will likely develop at an earlier age.
However, sensitivity to testosterone and DHT can accelerate male pattern baldness.
This means that a strong, healthy beard often goes hand in hand with losing your head hair sooner, but this is not the rule for every man.
Lower levels of testosterone don't necessarily mean that your beard will always be patchy or that you won't be able to grow it at all. It simply means that your beard will probably grow slower.
Fortunately, there are ways in which you can increase your testosterone levels, and therefore, your beard growth.
Science says that there are 3 phases of the hair growth cycle: anagen, catagen, and telogen.
When you increase your testosterone levels, the second and third stages will become much shorter. In a nutshell, testosterone will improve your beard growth.
How to Increase Testosterone and Beard Growth
Now that you know that testosterone is the path that leads to a thicker and faster-growing beard, it's time to learn in what ways you can boost testosterone production in your system.
There are two of them – unnatural and natural ways of increasing testosterone and beard growth.
The vote always goes for natural ones, because they don't run the potential health risks like artificial ones.
When it comes to unnatural alternatives, the most used are anabolic steroids and supplements. They are proved to help your beard, body and facial hair growth.
With the use of synthetic products, however, there are always a lot of downsides and potential health risks.
Synthetic testosterone is a steroid that man injects into their system with a syringe, and the body has no control over it.
Fluctuating the dosage doesn't make any difference, and you are still prone to its side effects.
When you start using this version of testosterone, your body will stop producing healthy levels of testosterone, and it will begin to rely on the artificial one.
Even if you stop injecting the synthetic testosterone, the damage can not be undone. Testosterone supplements can affect your heart, liver, brain, and endocrine system.
This makes you more prone to heart attacks or failure, strokes, hormonal imbalance, depression, aggression, acne, testicular shrinkage, hair loss, reduced fertility and enlarged prostate.
Now you know about all health risks that come with the use of testosterone supplements. If you care about your health, choose more natural ways to increase your testosterone levels.
After all, there are so many of them and they are much safer than anabolic steroids.
Step 1. Enhance the Growth of Facial Hair
To start improving hair growth, start by changing your diet. It really is that simple – eat healthy foods that boost facial hair growth.
Although many organizations like the Center for Disease Control & Prevention do recommend 50+ grams of protein each day, this only needs to be around 25% of your daily caloric intake.
Anything more than that can create the opposite effect, which is a decline in testosterone levels. Eat more meat, beans, and legumes, as they contain the most proteins.
Besides proteins, the calories you need to incorporate in your diet should come from different sources, like monounsaturated fats and carbohydrates.
Your diet should contain about 30% of monounsaturated fats. These fats are part of the red meat, milk, avocado, dairy and olive oil.
Carbohydrates are the remaining 50% of your calorie intake. You can find them in potatoes, some fruits, and whole grains.
Supplement your diet with more broccoli, walnuts, fish, carrots, and citrus, they help to support healthy facial hair growth.
When you are trying to increase your testosterone levels, it is allowed to eat more foods. You will be glad to hear that it is not healthy food.
Quite the opposite, you need food that is high in calories. A low-calorie diet can actually slow down your reproductive system.
Proportionally, the slow system leads to low testosterone production. A grown man needs between 2,000 and 2,500 calories per day, depending on his size.
If you want to increase your body's testosterone production, you should eat that much, and a little bit more.
Along with foods that can increase your testosterone levels, there are specific types of food that can decrease it.
If you want to have a healthy, thick beard, avoid eating and drinking mint, alcohol, licorice, trans fats, flax, and soy.
Aside from diet, and food rich in vitamins and minerals, use Centrum Multivitamin Supplement Tabletor Beard Grow XL Facial Hair Supplement to boost testosterone production naturally.
We also recommend: Biotin High Potency by Sports Research
Step 2. Increasing Testosterone Levels
If you are not aware that testosterone and beard growth go hand in hand, here is an opportunity to improve the look of your beard doing something you probably already enjoy.
Increasing your workouts by spending more time at the gym or running an extra mile a day will have a direct impact on the health of your facial hair follicles.
Bench presses, deadlifts, squats, and rows, all targeted exercise routines that boost your testosterone levels sharply.
You have to make gym and fitness part of your lifestyle if you want to increase testosterone levels and beard growth. One or two days of exercising won't make any difference.
One study has shown that testosterone levels can increase after only 15 minutes of exercising.
Sometimes it takes up to an hour, but the point is that there won't be results unless you commit to it regularly.
Here are the best exercises and activities that can naturally boost your testosterone:
Weight Lifting
Aerobic is one of the most effective ways to increase testosterone levels. Short and fast burst exercises work the best.
So, if you want to help your beard grow faster and thicker, try jump ropes and elliptical machines.
When it comes to running, sprinting is better than a distance in improving testosterone levels.
If you choose this way of testosterone boosting, sprint for 20-30 seconds as fast as you can, then walk the next 90 seconds, and finally sprint again for 20-30 seconds.
This should be repeated every day for 15 minutes in order to achieve the maximum results.
Heavyweights and big lifts are very useful when you are trying to increase your testosterone levels and facial hair growth. Focus on lifts that engage your whole body.
Besides already mentioned squats, deadlifts, power cleans and bench presses, leg press machines are also beneficial because they emphasize the largest group of muscles in your body.
If you are just starting with weight lifting, try to do more than one lift in a day, and take shorter rests between each set of exercises. Whatever you do, make sure not to overtrain.
Not every man likes to go to the gym. For those men, there are two alternatives – cycling and walking, both of which can increase the production of testosterone.
Step 3. Moisturize Your Beard
Make it a point each morning and night to massage in the premium Beardoholic Natural Beard Oil, or similar moisturizer, to help keep the skin around your beard healthy.
The moisturizer will help relieve the irritated skin, making it more soft and smooth.
If you have dry skin under your beard, wash it with a mild beard soap like Beardoholic Beard Soap and apply moisturizers more frequently to eliminate itching and discomfort.
Our choice: Beardoholic Beard Balm
Step 4. Protecting Your Skin
When you exercise more regularly, you increase testosterone and beard growth, but you also increase sweating and skin irritation.
To eliminate this problem, use a high-quality beard wash in the shower each day. This will not only keep your facial hair follicles healthy, it will also stimulate continued facial hair growth.
While you are in the shower, apply a product to the beard, then leave it in until your shower is complete and rinse out.
If your beard is especially long, follow up with a conditioner each day to help keep your facial hair soft.
While higher levels of testosterone and beard growth go hand-in-hand, you need to incorporate these simple steps into your daily routine to help your beard hair growth.
Improving your diet, exercising more, applying a product to the skin each day, and monitoring results are the best ways for getting a beard hair growth you desire.
If you are still having trouble with your beard, consider low residue Beard Growth and Thickening Shampoo, Jojoba Oil by Leven Rose, and a facial hair supplement, such as Hairfluence Hair Growth Formula.
Step 5. Avoiding Stress
You probably already know this, but high-stress levels lead to decreased testosterone levels and less beard on your face.
Successfully limiting your stress levels will significantly raise your testosterone. Although avoiding stress seems impossible sometimes, you can learn some techniques that can help you along the way.
Whenever you start getting stressed out, try breathing deep or exercise. You will find yoga and meditation to be helpful too.
Coffee can make you irritated and tense, so more water and less caffeine is always a good recipe to decrease stress.
Thinking and talking about work outside the office and checking your phone or email in the morning are some activities you will want to eliminate if you want to avoid stress and grow your beard faster.
Step 6. Getting More Sleep
Everyone knows how much your health can benefit from good sleeping habits. Poor sleeping habits, among other downsides, can and will lower your testosterone.
Everything between 8 and 10 hours of sleep will stimulate your body to produce more testosterone.
Napping during the day is not the way that will help you with beard growth and testosterone. Studies have shown that men produce testosterone when in a most profound sleep.
Constantly waking up at night will have a negative impact on your body, just as sleeping for 4 or fewer hours.
Men who don't get a full night's sleep have less than half of the amount of testosterone than men that do sleep well.
Avoid eating before bed, drink plenty of water and exercise regularly if you want to sleep well and develop a healthy beard.
Step 7. Taking Minerals and Multivitamins
Zinc, magnesium and vitamin D are known as natural testosterone maximizers. They can be taken via food or supplements.
The recommended dosage of zinc in one day is about 11mg. Zinc can be found in chicken, beef, and pork meat, shellfish, nuts, seeds, and oatmeals.
Everything between 420mg and 750mg of magnesium is normal daily dosage. Foods rich in magnesium are bananas, raisins, seeds, avocado, spinach, kale, fish, and broccoli.
Vitamin D can be found in salmon, liver, cheese, orange juice, tuna, mackerel and egg yolks.
If you want to take them as supplements, we recommend theAmazing Formulas Dietary Supplement.
Step 8. Cutting on Sugar
After consuming sugary solution drinks your testosterone levels drop significantly.
If you want a lustrous beard hair growth, you shouldn't consume soda, soft or sports drinks. Tea is allowed, but try to consume it without adding extra sugar.
There you go, all the natural ways of increasing testosterone, beard growth and hair follicles health in one place.
With so many healthy ways to do it, it should be easy to avoid unnatural ways of testosterone boosting that can harm your health.
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Effective Steps for Updating Your House Decor
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Broyhill Bedroom Furniture Residence design decorating is the art of dressing your living areas in trendy class. A coordination of home equipment and furnishings are effective for expanding on decorative options step by impressed step. Stable dwelling decorating ways, a scattering of items to switch or a full-on makeover are dwelling design incentives. These aims are the personal touches, model and influence that remember your life.
Broyhill Bedroom Furniture There's something that is just plain interesting about having a contemporary home with modern furnishings. Lately, trendy dwelling design and decor has seen a dramatic improve in recognition in terms of the variety of residence builders, modernized subdivisions and fashionable furnishings outlets that are on the market. Need to be part of hottest new development in inside design and home adorning? Here's how one can take the first step.
Start With One Room
Modernizing a house does not have to be a head-first dive right into a shallow river. In fact, it is much simpler to modernize your property in smaller, more snug steps. Start the challenge with a selected room in thoughts and begin by buying fashionable furniture for that individual room. Select a room that you simply spend lots of time in or one that will get a whole lot of traffic from visitors and family members, that means you may get probably the most out of your designing finances by impressing those that visit your private home with the brand new modern furniture you may be shopping for.
Decide a Piece
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Consider the Measurement of the Room
Broyhill Bedroom Furniture The dimensions of the room must be something you contemplate before you start shopping for a great deal of furnishings. If the room is massive, odds are it'll be the most expensive one to embellish. To be sincere, most fashionable furniture isn't low cost. You do not need to break the financial institution by starting with the most important room in your house. To get essentially the most out of your cash, it's best to start with the smallest room that you spend essentially the most time in. Strive starting with a bedroom or small office and expanding from there.
Do Your Analysis
Broyhill Bedroom Furniture Make an inventory of the furnishings that is within the room you chose. Take this checklist, go surfing, and see how a lot it can cost to interchange all of your present furnishings with fashionable furnishings. You wish to just be sure you're prepared to spend the sum of money necessary to redesign the entire room. Rooms with fashionable furnishings are likely to not mix effectively with different furnishings so that you need to be sure you replace all of it with one fell swoop. For example, let's begin with the bed. Do a Google search for "trendy furnishings beds" and write down the worth. Move on to the following piece, write down that worth and so on. Do that till your list is full and add up the entire prices you discovered to get a great quantity for a finances. If the ultimate number seems cheap, begin your undertaking!
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Cleaning your room can feel like an overwhelming task, but it is likely a quicker and easier process than you imagine! Play music, write a list, give yourself rewards, and make it into a game to keep yourself motivated. Tackle the big tasks first and then move onto deep-cleaning your room by dusting, wiping, and vacuuming all of the surfaces. Before you know it, your room will be sparkling clean.
Move everything off your bed and make it. Making your bed helps to make your room look much cleaner and will give you a feeling of achievement to kickstart your cleaning. Move anything from on your bed into a pile in one section of your room. Pull up your sheets and blankets, tuck them in, straighten your comforter, and place your pillows at the top of your bed.[1]
If you haven't changed your sheets recently, place them in the washing basket and put new ones on your bed. This will help your bed to feel and smell extra fresh.
Organize all of the clothes that are on your floor. Pick up each piece of clothing and decide whether it is dirty or not. If in doubt, treat it as if it is dirty! If the item is clean, fold it and place it in your dresser or hang it up in your wardrobe. If the item is dirty, place it in the washing basket.
It's always better to wash a clean item twice than to wear a dirty item. Treat items on your floor as dirty unless you are certain that they are clean. [2]
Tip: Don't put a load of laundry on until you have finished cleaning your room, as you never know where you might find another dirty sock that needs washing!
Take any dirty dishes to the kitchen. This helps to prevent bad smells from forming and helps to stop ants and other pests from gathering in your room. Take all the cups, plates, cutlery, and mugs back to the kitchen. Also, throw away any takeout packages that are still in your room.[3]
Check under your bed, on your dresser and desk, and in your bedside drawers for dirty dishes and takeout packages.
Toss out anything you don't want anymore. This is a great way to clear space in your room and get rid of clutter. Sort through all the objects on the surfaces in your room and on your floor and decide if anything needs to be thrown away.[4] Look out for food wrappers, apple cores, random bits of paper, broken items, and things you don't use anymore.[5]
Donate any good-quality items that you don't want anymore to a second-hand charity store.
Put unwanted paper and cardboard into a separate bag for recycling.
Place objects back in their rightful places if they already have a home. Put everything that's on the floor away first. That way, you'll be able to move around your room without tripping over anything. Start with the bigger things, like books and pillows, then move onto smaller things, like pencils and other stationery. Find a home for all the items on your dresser, desk, floor, and bedside tables.[6]
Try not to get distracted by the items you are putting away, as this can make your cleaning process take a lot longer.
Store similar items that don't have a home in boxes. This is a simple way to organize your room and make it easier to find things. Place all your stationery in one box, your photos in another box, your beauty products in another box, craft supplies in another box, and so on. Make sure to label the boxes and store them in an accessible place so that they are easy to find and access.[7]
Place the boxes on your shelves, under your bed, in your wardrobe, or on your desk.
Display a few items that are special to you. This is a great way to personalize your room. If you find a pretty ornament or cool toy while you are cleaning, consider placing it on your desk, dresser, or bedside table as a feature. Try to only place a few items on each surface so that space doesn't look cluttered.[8]
Using your space as a display area will help you keep the room tidier since objects that don't belong will look out of place and you'll be encouraged to put them away. Additionally, when surfaces have less clutter on them, they're easier to clean and dust.
Example: Place your soccer trophy on your desk and a favorite photo on your dresser.
Give away any books, clothes, or toys that you don't want anymore. This is a great way to declutter your room and will give you more space for the items that you treasure. Look at each object and consider whether you have used it in the last year. If you haven't used it recently and it doesn't have sentimental value, think about giving it away to a second-hand charity shop.[9]
Make sure to check with your parents first.
Dust all of the surfaces in your room. Use a duster to remove all the dust from your desk, dresser, bookshelf, slatted blinds, fans, light fixtures, lamps, and any other surfaces you may have in your room. Always start high and work your way down, so that you don't knock dust and dirt onto surfaces you've already cleaned. Dust before you vacuum or sweep because dust will often become displaced and then settle back on your floor.[10]
If you don't have a duster, use a microfiber cloth to remove the dust.
Make sure to dust objects on your desk, dresser, etc. Picture-frames, travel souvenirs, and trophies will look much nicer when they are dust-free.
Ensure that your fan and lights are turned off before you dust them.
Wipe the surfaces to remove marks, dust, and stickiness. Stickiness can attract ants and can damage your furniture. Spray a little surface cleaner onto the surfaces and wipe them with a cloth. Microfiber cloths are a great option, as they easily remove a variety of different marks. Wipe your desk, dresser, bedside table, window sills, baseboards, trims, and any other surfaces in your room at least once a week.[11]
Disinfectant wipes also work well, as they help to kill any bacteria that may have grown on your room's surfaces.
Vacuum or sweep the floor, especially under your bed and desk. These areas are often missed during quick cleans, so make sure to vacuum them thoroughly. If necessary, move furniture so that you can vacuum under it more easily. Push your vacuum back and forth over the entire floor until the carpet looks sparkling clean.[12]
If the vacuum isn't sucking well, check if the vacuum bag or canister is full and change it if necessary.
Vacuum your floor at least once a week. If you wear shoes inside, consider vacuuming more often.
Tip: If your carpet has a strange smell, sprinkle some carpet deodorizer or baking soda on the carpet before vacuuming to give your room a pleasant scent.
Sweep and mop the floors if applicable. Use the broom to push all the dirt and dust into 1 pile and then use a dustpan and brush to scoop it up. After this, dip your mop into a bucket of soapy water and wipe it over the floors to remove any marks and dust. Rinse the mop every few minutes to ensure that it doesn't spread dirt around the floors.[13]
This will leave your floors feeling and looking nice and clean.
Sweep and mop your floors at least once a week.
Wipe the light switches and door handles with a disinfectant spray. These points are some of the most touched spots in your room. This means that over time they collect a lot of bacteria. Spray the switches and handles with a household disinfectant spray and then use a cloth or paper towel to wipe it off.[14]
Disinfect your handles and switches once a week to keep them fresh and clean.
Wipe off any outlet covers, too. Since they're not as frequently touched, they don't build up grime as fast as light switches, but keeping them clean and bright can help the overall look of the room.
Use glass cleaner to wipe the mirrors and windows. Liberally spray the glass cleaner over all your mirrors and windows and then use a cloth to wipe them clean. Continue to rub until there are no marks or streaks left on the glass. This will leave your windows and mirrors looking sparkly clean.[15]
Clean your windows and mirrors each time that they get marked to make the job as quick and easy as possible.
Microfiber cloths work well for cleaning glass.
Don't forget to clean the window tracks as well. Vacuum up loose debris in the tracks with a crevice attachment or a handheld vacuum cleaner. You can use an old toothbrush and some all-purpose cleaning solution to scrub away caked-on dirt and dust.
Play music to keep your spirits high. Before you start, put on an album or playlist that makes you feel energetic.[16] Music with a faster beat will help to get you motivated for your cleaning project. Stay away from more slow, dreary music, as this can make you feel tired and bored.[17]
Tip: If you don't know what to listen to, search for an upbeat playlist online. Spotify, Apple Music, and Pandora have a range of great cleaning and motivational playlists.
Create a reward for yourself to give you an incentive to get the job done. This extra motivation can help you to get the job done faster. Decide what you will do to treat yourself once you have finished cleaning. Maybe you will go hang out with your friends, watch a movie with your family, eat a big bowl of ice cream, or read your favorite book.[18]
Make sure not to rush your cleaning in order to get your reward!
Make cleaning your room into a game if you need extra motivation. If you're having trouble motivating yourself to clean your room, make the process interesting by playing a game. See how many things you can put away for 10 minutes and then try to beat your high score. Alternatively, pretend that you are a robot while you are cleaning and only make robot movements and noises. Another option is to set a timer and see how fast you can clean your room. [19]
Be creative and create your own games!
Tip: Start the dusting from top surfaces to the bottom so that this sequence will help you get the job done in less time and without repeating the same job.
Create a checklist of all the different tasks to keep your cleaning on track. Checklists are a great way to give yourself a sense of achievement and progress when you are cleaning up a big mess. Decide what you want to organize and clean, and then prioritize them from the highest priority to the lowest priority. Try to be as detailed as you can so that nothing gets forgotten.[20]
Tick off each task once you have done it so that you can easily keep track of what you still need to do.
Schedule the tasks throughout the week to make it more manageable. This is a great option if there is a lot to clean. Write down when you will complete each task so that you can stay on track with your cleaning schedule. Try to be as disciplined as possible and stick to the schedule.[21]
Example: Assign the clothes sorting to Monday, sorting through rubbish and surface items to Tuesday, and dusting and vacuuming to Wednesday.
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How do I get rid of clutter?
Ashley Moon is the Founder and CEO of Creatively Neat, a virtual organizing and life coaching business based in Los Angeles, California. In addition to helping people organize their best life, she has a fabulous team of organizers ready to de-clutter your home or business. Ashley hosts workshops and speaking engagements at various venues and festivals. She has trained with Coach Approach and Heart Core for organizing and business coaching respectively. She has an MA in Human Development and Social Change from Pacific Oaks College.
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It really comes down to three steps. The first step is to sort through all of your stuff and separate everything into categories. Then, go through each category one at a time and purge the things you don't want or need anymore. Finally, organize everything that's left by finding a good place for it.
How can I make cleaning more fun?
Ashley Moon is the Founder and CEO of Creatively Neat, a virtual organizing and life coaching business based in Los Angeles, California. In addition to helping people organize their best life, she has a fabulous team of organizers ready to de-clutter your home or business. Ashley hosts workshops and speaking engagements at various venues and festivals. She has trained with Coach Approach and Heart Core for organizing and business coaching respectively. She has an MA in Human Development and Social Change from Pacific Oaks College.
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Try to really activate all of your senses so the process is more engaging and enjoyable. Put on some music, light a nice smelling candle, and take time to touch the items in your room and be present with them.
What's the best way to organize the books in my room?
Ashley Moon is the Founder and CEO of Creatively Neat, a virtual organizing and life coaching business based in Los Angeles, California. In addition to helping people organize their best life, she has a fabulous team of organizers ready to de-clutter your home or business. Ashley hosts workshops and speaking engagements at various venues and festivals. She has trained with Coach Approach and Heart Core for organizing and business coaching respectively. She has an MA in Human Development and Social Change from Pacific Oaks College.
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I recommend displaying your favorite books or the ones you're currently reading on a bookshelf or other surface. Then, consider donating the books you're not actively reading. The odds of you looking at them again are pretty slim, and you can always easily get a book again if you end up wanting to read it in the future.
I have tried games to motivate me to clean my room a lot of times, but it does not work and I get distracted very easily. What should I do?
Michelle Driscoll is the Owner of Mulberry Maids based in northern Colorado. Driscoll received her Masters in Public Health from the Colorado School of Public Health in 2016.
Founder, Mulberry Maids
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Aim to break up the individual tasks - for example, spend time picking up all of your dirty clothes and washing them. At another time, try to go through your room to find things to donate, which will help to declutter. Tackling one task at a time will help you get things done without overwhelming yourself.
What do you do if you just have a lot of stuff and don't know where to put it?
Place it all into the center of the floor. Then sort it into piles. As you sort, decide what is useful and what produces a sense of joy for you, then donate or discard the remainder. You'll find plenty of space for it after sorting.
How do I decide on getting rid of things that clutter my room?
Do you love the thing? Does it make you happy when you look at it? Is it very useful or do you use it all the time? If yes, keep it. If no, chuck it. The space is leaves can be filled with something you do love.
I have a lot of stuff. Where is a good place to start to clean it?
Start with your clothes, making a pile and sorting through them. Then proceed to books, making a pile and sorting through them. Then toys (stuffed animals, etc.) and board games. After that, sort whatever else is left over. Set a deadline, don't stop until you've finished.
What should I do about the garbage?
Take a small trash bag (or, if you have a lot of stuff to throw out, take a big one) and keep it in your room to make it easier for you. It saves time. When you're done with it, throw it out. It's a good idea to have a little trash barrel for the room.
How can I tidy my bedroom if I have a lot of stuff in a very small bedroom?
Well, to begin, you should get rid of objects you don't need. Some ways to see if you really need what you have is to ask yourself if you've used it, would re-buy it, and if it has any meaning to you still. Only keeping items you have a purpose for will help in this situation. Then, you would have to find organizers to make the most of your space if you still are really cramped.
How can I clean my room if I cannot throw away anything?
You can clean your room without throwing away any of your possessions. If your room is cramped, you may need to move things out, clean, and then move the items back.
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Article SummaryX
To clean your room, start by clearing clutter off your bed so you can make it. If you haven't changed your sheets in a while, swap them out with some fresh ones. You can also put some decorative pillows or a throw blanket on your bed to spruce it up a bit. Next, go around your room and toss any trash into a wastebasket or trash bag. Fold or hang up any clean clothes. Toss any dirty clothes in the hamper, or try putting them straight into the washing machine so they're all clean by the time you're done cleaning. Then, put away any small items that are out of place, like toiletries, accessories, or books. If you don't have a designated space for them, put them in a bedside drawer or storage container to keep them organized. You can also put things like books and mementos on a shelf in your room. While you're cleaning, make a pile for things to donate or give away. The less clutter you have, the cleaner your room will look! Next, use a cloth or hand-held duster to wipe down all the surfaces in your room, like your dresser, desk, and bedside table. Make sure you remove any small items first so you can dust under them. Open up your window shades or curtains, and if desired, clean the windows and windowsills. Finish by vacuuming the floor if it's carpet, or sweeping and mopping if it's hardwood. In general, try to clean your floor at least once a week to keep your room looking fresh. If you're trying to motivate yourself to clean your room, try playing your favorite music and dancing as you clean! For more tips from our Cleaning co-author, including how to tackle major cleaning projects, read on!
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